190th Air Refueling Wing

Located on Forbes Field Air National Guard Base, Topeka, KS 

190th Operations Group

117th Air Refueling Squadron - The flying element of the 190th ARW 

190th Operations Support Flight - Responsible for Operational Services and Support, Training, and Mission Ready Personnel to the Flying Squadron, Wing, and Higher Headquarters so they can successfully conduct their wartime
and peacetime mission 

190th Standardization / Evaluation - The Aircrew Standardization and Evaluation Program is the commander's tool to validate mission readiness and the effectiveness of unit flying, to include documentation of individual aircrew member qualification and capabilities 

190th Maintenance Group 

190th Maintenance Squadron - Provides aircraft component support to include fabrication, avionics, and propulsion
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - Provides support to the 117th ARS in the generation of aircraft 

190th Maintenance Support Flight - Responsible for aircraft maintenance staff functions required for the efficient operation of the Maintenance Group. These functions include the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC), Plans, Scheduling, and Documentation (PS&D), Comprehensive Engine Management (CEMS), Training Management, Maintenance Analysis, and Maintenance Plans and Programs 

190th Mission Support Group 

190th Logistics Readiness Squadron - Responsible for vehicle operations, supply, contracting and deployment operations 

190th Security Forces Squadron - Provides security of assets and property at the 190th ARW and Forbes Field (ANG) 

190th Civil Engineering Squadron - Maintains the buildings and facilities, as well as training for their wartime mission 

190th Mission Support Flight - Oversees personnel and training for the wing 

190th Communications Flight - Responsible for communications, computers, telephones, radios, and message traffic 

190th Services Flight - Responsible for providing food, lodging and mortuary affairs 

190th Medical Group 

The mission of the 190th Medical Group is to provide timely quality medical evaluations to assure wing members are physically fit to deploy; to implement effective industrial hygiene and preventative medicine programs; and to train medical staff to perform their duties at a medical treatment facility at a deployed location.

Spearheading the development and implementation of managing and deploying an Expeditionary Medical System (EMEDS) +25. This deployed 25 bed inpatient hospital set is used in support of Homeland Defense/Security and natural disasters; providing medical support to communities affected in these events. The 190th MDG currently has three EMEDS +25 sets available to support the needs of America

127th Weather Flight
The mission of the 127th WF is to develop and maintain the capability to augment the 3rd Air Support Operations Group/Air Combat Command (ACC) when mobilized. The specific mission of the 127th Weather Flight is to
provide deployed weather support to both Army and Air Force operations anywhere in the world. 

73rd Civil Support Team (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Army / Air National Guard 

The mission of the 73rd CST is to support local and state authorities at domestic WMD/NBC incident sites by identifying agents and substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures, and assisting with requests for additional military support.