
You may notice as you read through this history that it was written by several different people. The first 20 years was written by SSgt. Robert Piepenbrink. We gratefully acknowledge his many months of research and effort. Without this first 20 years we would not have attempted to have this history printed for the 25th Anniversary. There is no doubt this was a monumental job and one that SSgt. Piepenbrink should be very proud of.

In the 190th files we found the second part 1978-80. A unit Historian wrote it, though we are sorry to say we don't know which one. This was mostly complete, though we did add a few paragraphs to it. Please note here that we would like to give full credit to the person who wrote this. It would have made the task of finishing this impossible without this information.

The final part, from 1980-1982 was taken almost exclusively from reports in the Coyote Log and local newspapers. I am positive there is a lot that is left out that should have been said. Please remember that we did the best we could with what we had to work with, and the time we had to get it done. We felt that the last five years should be added to Robert Piepenbrink's fine history to bring it up to date.

It is to the author of a book that the honor of dedication goes. We, as the editors of the final pages, found ourselves in a unique situation. We had the work, but not the author available to us. To print a history of the 190th without a dedication, somehow, did not seem right. We had taken upon ourselves the job of finishing the work that had been begun by someone else so we also took upon ourselves the honor of dedication. 

From the 117th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
To the 190th Defense Systems Evaluation Group