Lieutenant Colonel BARRY R. VEEN

Lieutenant Colonel Barry R. Veen is Commander at 190th Civil Engineer Squadron, Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas. The Squadron consists of three flights and expertise in civil engineer operations, fire crash rescue services and emergency management. The Squadron, under the 190th Mission Support Group and the 190th Air Refueling Wing, supports the operational flying missions of the KC-135R aircraft, provides similar support to the Kansas National Guard Joint Force Headquarters.

Lt Col Veen received his commission from the Academy of Military Science, McGhee-Tyson Air National Guard Base, Tennessee in 2002. Prior to receiving his commission, Lt Col Veen served as an enlisted member of the Colorado and North Dakota Air National Guard as an Aircraft Armament Specialist. Lt Col Veen’s assignments include Training Officer, Engineer Technical Expert, Executive Officer, Maintenance Engineer Flight Chief, Engineer Program Manager, Deputy Base Civil Engineer, Base Civil Engineer, Deputy Commander and Squadron Commander. His deployment history includes multiple deployments as a Staff Engineer to the Pacific Command Area of Operations. He deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as engineer subject matter expert in support of Seventh Air Force, Osan Air Base Republic of Korea as a flexible deterrent option. He deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as the vertical design lead to Balad AB, Iraq and then as the Deputy Directorate of Public Works to Tallil AB, Iraq. His most recent deployment was to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan as the 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron Commander.


1999 Bachelor of Architecture, North Dakota State University, Fargo
1999 Bachelor of Science Environmental design, North Dakota State University, Fargo
2009 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala, by correspondence
2015 Master of Military Operational Art, U.S. Marine Corps University, Quantico Marine Corps Base, Va.
2015 Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico MCB, Va.
2015 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala, by correspondence
2021 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala, by correspondence


May 1996 – June 1996, basic military training, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
June 1996 – November 1996, technical school, Sheppard AFB, Texas
November 1996 – January 2000, Aircraft Armament Specialist, 119th Fighter Wing, Fargo, N.D.
November 2000 – August 2002, Aircraft Armament Specialist, 140th Wing, Buckley AFB, Colo.
August 2002 – September 2002, Student, Academy of Military Science, Knoxville, Tenn.
September 2002 – July 2003, Staff Engineer, 240th Civil Engineer Flight, Buckley AFB, Colo.
July 2003 – February 2004, Maintenance Engineer Flight Chief, 460th Civil Engineer Squadron, Buckley AFB, Colo.
February 2004 – March 2008, Training Officer, 240th Civil Engineer Flight, Buckley AFB, Colo.
March 2008 – May 2009, Deputy Engineer Fight Chief, 460th Civil Engineer Squadron, Buckley AFB, Colo.
May 2009 – October 2010, Programs Manager, 460th Civil Engineer Squadron, Buckley AFB, Colo.
October 2010 – January 2011, Executive Officer, 240th Civil Engineer Flight, Buckley AFB, Colo.
January 2011 – October 2011, Readiness Officer, 155th Civil Engineer Squadron, Lincoln, Neb.
February 2011 – October 2011, Deputy Base Civil Engineer, 155th Civil Engineer Squadron, Lincoln, Neb.
October 2011 – July 2014, Commander/Base Civil Engineer, 155th Civil Engineer Squadron, Lincoln, Neb.
July 2014 – June 2015, Student, U.S. Marine Corps University, Quantico MCB, Va.
June 2015 – October 2018, Commander/Base Civil Engineer, 155th Civil Engineer Squadron, Lincoln, Neb.
October 2018 – April 2019, Commander, 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Bagram AB, Afghanistan.
May 2019 – August 2021, Commander/Base Civil Engineer, 155th Civil Engineer Squadron, Lincoln, Neb.
August 2021 – July 2022, Deputy Commander, 72nd Civil Support Team Weapons of Mass Destruction, Lincoln, Neb.
July 2022 – December 2023, Commander, 72nd Civil Support Team Weapons of Mass Destruction, Lincoln, Neb.
December – Present, Commander, Commander/Base Civil Engineer, 190th Civil Engineer Squadron, Topeka, Kas.


Bronze Star Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air Force Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Achievement Medal
Army Achievement Medal


2019 Maj Gen Robert H. Curtain Outstanding Civil Engineer Unit of the Year Award
2019 Col William L. Deneke Outstanding Civil Engineer Unit of the Year Award
Maintenance Badge Basic
Civil Engineer Badge Master
Fire Marshall Badge


“Blueprint for Successful Stability Operations,” Defense Technical Information Center, Marine Corps University, Quantico, Vir., 2015


National Guard Association of the United States Lifetime Member
American Institute of Architects


Second Lieutenant (September 13, 2002)
First Lieutenant (September 13, 2004)
Captain (September 13, 2006)
Major (October 3, 2010)
Lieutenant Colonel (October 3, 2017)

(Current as of May 2024)