190th Pictures

Join the Kansas Coyotes!

The 190th Air Refueling Wing is always looking for quality individuals looking to make a difference for their community, state and nation. They supply the Governor of Kansas and the President of the United States with trained and ready forces to respond to emergencies, disasters and missions of the United States military. 

Call 785-861-4295 or scan a QR code below to find a career that is right for YOU!

What we can offer

  • "Cutting Edge" Training
  • All training receives college credits 
  • Associates Degree available in all career fields Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
  • Over 80 career fields / 98% have direct civilian counterpart
  • After initial training is completed - permanent assignment is Topeka
  • Member can only transfer at their request

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Technical sgt. aaron rowley

QR code for Aaron Rowley

Staff Sgt. Richard Mendoza

QR code for Richard Mendoza

Staff Sgt. Taylor Stevens

QR code for Taylor Stevens